The “Cotton Research and Development Association (CRDA)” is a professional forum, protecting the cotton production technologies, it's by and allied products. The association being the single crop having 245 life members, 200-250 become annual members and about 36 Institutional/ libraries members. The Association was established on 3rd January, 1986 in Cotton Section, Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, CCS HAU, Hisar and was registered under Society Act XXI of 1860 and re-registered under the Act of June, 2012 on 3rd November 2016 with Registration number 1967. The association provides an international platform to advance modern concept of cotton production technologies.

It strives to provide information on latest developments and research advances in the area of cotton research and development through its official journal the "Journal of Cotton Research and Development" with NAAS rating 4.70. It provides opportunities for scientific communication, collaboration and professional development. The association organized National and International Conferences/Symposiums on major issues related to cotton cultivation in collaboration with SAU's and ICAR institutes and till now the association has organized more than 25 Conferences/Symposium/ Congress.