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For Author/Members
Guideline to the Authors


1. Membership of the journal for authors is obligatory for the publication of papers.
2. Manuscripts that contain new and significant findings are welcome with the understanding that the contents have not been simultaneously submitted or published in any other journal. Manuscript should be typed in double space on one side of white bond paper (A4 size) leaving at least 5 cm margins on each side, not exceeding 12 typed pages including Tables. Three copies of the manuscripts should be sent by registered post to :THE SECRETARY, COTTON RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, CCS HARYANA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, HISAR-125 004 (HARYANA)
3. Arrangement of the Manuscript: Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order:
(a) Cover page should contain concise but self explanatory title (upto 20 words), typed in double space with capital letters. In addition, a short running title should be given and typed on top of the cover page of the manuscript. By line should contain, in addition to the name (s) and initials of the author (s), the name of the institution where the research was carried out. Change of address should be given as a footnote. The ABSTRACT (not-exceeding 200 words) should be followed by not more than 10 key words in alphabetical order.
(b) Full paper should be prepared with the headings: ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.
(c) Short communications should follow the style of full paper with text headings omitted except ABSTRACT.
(d) Table: Each table should be concise and typed on separate page.
(e) Figures drawn with black ink on white paper are preferred.
(f) Photographs for reproduction should be glossy prints with dark and light contrasts (at least of Post Card size).
(g) Acknowledgement, if any, should be in brief.
(h) References should be arranged alphabetically by the name of the first author and then, if required, by the second and third author and so on (surname precedes initials), year of publication, title of article, abbreviated title of journal in accordance with the latest edition of the World List of Scientific Periodicals 4th edn. London, volume number (double underlined), colon and page range. If there is more than one publication by the same author (s) in the same year, the letters 'a', 'b' and so on should be added after the year, both in the text and in the list of REFERENCES at the end.
4. Complete name of publishers and place of publication of books should be given. For proceeding or other publications complete details should be given.
5. The revised manuscript should be sent on C. D. in M. S. Word with One hard copy.
Manuscripts which do not confirm to these directives are liable to be returned to the authors.
The Editorial Board takes no responsibility for facts or the opinion expressed in this Journal which rests entirely with the authors.
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